Preparing Students for Life Success
WSU provides a supportive learning community for its students focused on preparing them for career success and a future as global citizens motivated to contribute to the common good. The curriculum requires completion of University Common Requirements (UCORE) courses that build skills in seven key areas of development: critical and creative thinking, quantitative reasoning, scientific literacy, information literacy, communication, diversity, and integration of learning. WSU faculty have a well-deserved reputation for their commitment to the success of students, which is frequently demonstrated by being accessible outside of classroom hours.
A comprehensive institution, the university is organized into 10 degree-granting academic colleges as well as the Honors College, Graduate School, WSU Libraries, and WSU Extension:
- College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS)
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Carson College of Business
- Edward R. Murrow College of Communication
- College of Education
- Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture
- Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
- College of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- College of Veterinary Medicine