Annual operating expenditures: $1.3 billion
Capital expenditures: $205 million (2024-2025 biennium)
Endowment value: $1.3 billion
WSU Foundation: $665.5 million
Land-grant revenue: $604.5 million
Sponsored Awards: In FY24, WSU achieved a new milestone with $331.5 million in awarded proposals out of the $1.216 billion submitted. The university had 1,552 awards in FY24.
Excerpted from 2023 Annual Financial Report – Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position
Revenues (All Sources)
State Appropriations | $ 300,307,500 | 21% |
Tuition and Fee Revenue, Net | $ 284,784,321 | 20% |
Grants & Contracts | $ 367,137,919 | 25% |
Federal Pell Grants | $ 30,723,971 | 2% |
Federal Appropriations | $ 7,677,415 | 1% |
Investment Income, Net of Expense | $ 86,728,273 | 6% |
Gifts & Contributions | $ 76,227,831 | 5% |
Sales and Services of Educational Departments | $ 36,389,846 | 3% |
Auxiliary Enterprises | $ 167,728,807 | 12% |
Other Operating Revenues | $ 25,678,467 | 2% |
Capital – Appropriations, Grants and Gifts | $ 68,576,829 | 5% |
$ 1,451,961,179 | 100% |
Operating Expenses
Instruction | $ 280,261,240 | 22% |
Research | $ 263,085,964 | 20% |
Public Service | $ 30,357,578 | 2% |
Academic Support | $ 112,422,410 | 9% |
Student Services | $ 28,122,166 | 2% |
Institutional Support | $ 139,873,064 | 11% |
Operating and Maintenance of Plant | $ 80,963,989 | 6% |
Auxiliary Enterprises | $ 171,236,982 | 13% |
Student Financial Aid, Net | $ 76,543,567 | 6% |
Depreciation | $ 106,771,222 | 8% |
$ 1,289,638,182 | 100% |
Washington State University’s net position increased by $162 million in 2023 due to additions to capital assets, unrealized gain on investments and changes in pension and other post-employment benefits. Please refer to the full financial statement and the Management’s Discussion and Analysis section for additional information. WSU Financial Statements are located on the web:
University Debt Profile
The university is annually rated by S&P Global (A+) and Moody’s (Aa3). In May 22, 2024 both rating agencies reaffirmed their credit ratings with a stable outlook. As of June 30, 2024 the university has outstanding debt totaling $506.3 million.