Parjot Pawar

Parjot Pawar is an undergraduate currently pursuing a rigorous academic path at WSU Tri-Cities as a Pre-Medicine student with a focused interest in joining a Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) in the future. Her academic journey is uniquely diverse, as she is pursuing a dual/double degree that will encompass Business Administration, Biological Sciences, and Psychology.

Since joining WSU in 2022, she has been deeply involved in campus life, initially serving in roles with the Student Entertainment Board and ASWSUTC, where she contributed to organizing and enhancing student experiences. Her engagement extended further through active participation in clubs such as the Dreamers Club and Cougs LEAD, where she collaborated with peers to foster inclusive and supportive campus environments.

In her current role as President of the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities, she is passionate about advocating for student needs and promoting initiatives that enhance student welfare and engagement. This leadership role has sharpened her abilities in strategic planning, advocacy, and community building – skills that are pivotal as she aims to contribute meaningfully to both the WSU community and the broader field of healthcare.

Looking ahead, she hopes to identify a visionary leader who will steer WSU toward greater excellence, inclusivity, and innovation in higher education. She is dedicated to contributing to the selection process to ensure the next president embodies the values and aspirations of WSU and can effectively lead the university into a dynamic future.

A portrait of Parjot Pawar.