Leah Sheppard

Leah Sheppard is an Associate Professor of Management and an Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion in the Carson College of Business at WSU. She currently teaches an undergraduate course called Managerial Effectiveness Through Diversity. Leah’s primary research stream focuses on the effect of gender on individuals’ workplace experiences and career outcomes. She is also interested in employees’ experiences of phenomena generally treated as taboo when they occur at work, such as sexual behavior, physical attractiveness biases, non-work identity disclosures, and discussions about news/politics. Leah has published her work in several outlets, including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Business Venturing, and The Atlantic. Her research findings have also been publicized in several news outlets, including The New York Times, CBS News, New York Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal.

A portrait of Leah Sheppard.