John Harrison

Dr. John Harrison is the Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science in WSU’s School of the Environment (SoE).  Dr. Harrison is based on WSU’s Vancouver campus, where he has been on the faculty since 2006, teaching courses on how the Earth works and directing the Global Change and Watershed Biogeochemistry Laboratory.  Harrison also serves as Program Leader for SoE on WSU’s Vancouver campus.  His research focuses on understanding sources, transformations, fate, and consequences of nutrients, carbon, and other environmental contaminants in streams, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and the coastal ocean.  Harrison’s recent efforts have focused on understanding interactions between dam and reservoir management and biogeochemical cycling, including greenhouse gas emissions.  Harrison’s published works have been widely cited in the scientific literature.  They have also guided national and international efforts to tally greenhouse gas emissions and have been featured in national and international media outlets, including the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, the Guardian, and NPR’s Science Friday.  Harrison holds a Ph.D. In Geological and Environmental Sciences from Stanford University and a Sc.B. in biology from Brown University.

A portrait of John Harrison.